"Architecture is the artistic, correct and magnificent play of the structures gathered under the light."Le Corbusier

Would you like to show your company building, your office space, your new architect's house or your home in the right light with modern architecture photography & interior photography?

Interior photography with attention to detail

I offer you professional interior photos for the following work areas:

Interior design

Interior photos of doctor's offices & business premises

Shopfitting & property furnishings

Hotel photography

Stores & boutiques

Real estate photography of holiday homes & residential properties

Real estate photography of office & commercial properties

Home staging

High-quality architectural photos for publications or your website are an important building block of the image that your company conveys to the outside world. I would be happy to help you with this!

I particularly like working with "Architecture in Use" photos. These combine the form and function of buildings by showing people in the context of the buildings.

Successful architectural photographs make you look longer than necessary and put a smile on my face. I try to pass this magic on to my customers with my pictures.

Image shoots that show your employees in action in their work environment are also a very valuable showcase for your company!

Advantages of professional real estate photography

Professional real estate photography: high-quality images, optimized presentation and time savings for your sales success

Real estate photography is a very special sub-discipline of photography. A high level of understanding of the special features and atmosphere of rooms, of the right lighting atmosphere and details in the room is crucial here. Since real estate photography is usually intended to support sales, the focus here - unlike architectural photography - is less on artistic-aesthetic than on sales-promoting aspects. This applies to both exterior and interior shots. Know-how, coupled with the right equipment, ensure high-quality and attractive solutions: wide-angle lenses are often used in real estate photography. These require the photographer to work precisely due to their extreme angle of view. A good photographer must also be able to handle challenges such as converging lines.

■ Why should you hire a real estate photographer? In today's competitive landscape, it is crucial to stand out from other agents with professional real estate photos.

■ Many people do not respond to an ad if the images are blurry or too dark. With professional photos and an attractive exposé, a house/property can be sold more quickly and efficiently.

■ Real estate ads with professional photos, a video or a 360° tour arouse interest and are therefore sold much faster on average.

■ For 98% of visitors who search for a property online, the photos or videos are the deciding factor in whether they will view a property or not.

■ Properties that are offered with professional photos or videos achieve higher sales prices on average.

■ Professional image editing: My professional editing techniques optimize and enhance the photos to achieve an impressive appearance.


Are you interested in my range of services? Then I look forward to receiving an inquiry from your company!

Contact me, I will be happy to create an individual offer for you!